All hotel and restaurant companies need an audit function to check compliance with company standards, evaluate any risks to the business and to provide a check against fraud and malpractice. Outsourcing your internal hotel auditing requirements to a contractor allows for your business, no matter how large or small, to have access to very experienced industry professionals at a cost to suit your budget. All audits will involve discussions with the client to agree the detail before any actual audit . Each audit will be conducted on site. The work will consist of discussions with management, together with detailed testing of a sample of processes and transactions. Hotel audits offer both risk and compliance checks. A report will be issued at the end of the audit and will detail any findings together with recommended actions. Individual audit programs will be tailored to suit the requirements of your business.
Targeted Audits These audits are aimed at specific areas. They generally give a more detailed review of areas covered in the full hotel audit program. This list gives a sample of audits available, other reviews can also be undertaken depending on your areas of concern
Cash & Security Hotel Audits This hotel audit reviews the security of cash from till to bank. It will check cash handling throughout the operation and advise on any areas where improvements are required. It will review safes, issuing of floats, requests for change, cashing up and security of the cash before it is taken to the bank.
Banking Hotel Audits This Hotel audit reconciles the bank account to make sure that all revenue – cash, credit cards, cheques or Bacs – are received into the bank account. Bespoke spreadsheets can be provided tailored to your business to reconcile daily business. This audit also checks that the revenue (cash and credit cards) taken in bars restaurants and reception matches with the POS system.
Credit Control Audits Do you have a high exposure to bad debts? Poor control over accounts receivable can seriously affect the profitability and cash flow of a business. There is little point in providing the service if the revenue cannot be collected. We can reviews all aspects of your credit control function, checking which companies you give credit to, and their creditworthiness, accuracy of your invoicing and how effective your collection procedures are.
Purchasing Audit After your payroll, purchasing is likely to be your next largest expense. Even small savings can add up over a period of time. Historically, this area is most vulnerable to error, fraud and poor control. Our audit process would examine and enhance your control over the purchasing cycle.
Food and Beverage Audits This area is of critical importance for all businesses in the hospitality sector. This audit reviews all aspects of your food and beverage operation including stock and inventory control, cash handling, gross profit margins, security of stock & cash and legal requirements.